This site is best viewed with the Firefox browser.
Most browsers should work correctly, but IE has some minor problems rendering pages correctly. Firefox and Google Chrome are good bets as they are cross-platform, very accurate in rendering pages and generally regarded as more secure than IE.
To Print a page, E-mail a page, or generate a .PDF file from a page
Click the appropriate icon along the bottom of the page. The Printer icon will generate a printer-friendly page, the Letter icon will allow you to email a copy of the page along with comment to one or more people, and the PDF icon will generate a downloadable .pdf file.
Contact Us
To contact the Clergy Brotherhood or Site Administrator from the new Contact Us link. The Clergy Brotherhood contact sends email to former website's clergybrotherhoo@aol.com link. The Site Adminitrator sends it to, you guessed it, the site administrator.
You do not need to be logged in to use the Contact Us page.
Searching now works on the roots of words. For example, searching for any of the words "help", "helps" or "helped" will return all articles containing any or all three words. This is accomplished using the Porter-Stemmer algorithm.
Searches are not case-sensitive.
You may need to search for certain things in more than one way, i.e. 2nd and second, or 9th and ninth, etc.
The Advanced Search function will allow you to search for phrases, multiple words, etc.
Do you need to Register for a Username and Password?
Well, that depends. If you only want to view the information on the site, you do not need to create a Username. However, if you would like to comment on any page, contact us,or participate in any more advanced features of this site as they become available, you will need to create a Username and Password.
To create a Username, click the link and answer the questions. You will receive two emails. The first tells you your request has been logged by the system and is awaiting approval. Once your account is enabled, you receive the second e-mail giving you a link to log on for the first time and set your password.
Create a Comment?
- At the bottom of each page is a link that allows you to make a comment on the page. You must be logged in to use this link.
Document Formats
- All the former Microsoft Word (.doc) and Revisable Text Format (.rtf) documents have been converted to .PDF files. If by some chance you do not already have Adobe Reader installed on your computer, you can get it here:
Browser Compatibility
- This site is best viewed with the Firefox browser.
- Internet Explorer works but has bugs displaying the heading of the site. The title will disappear if you make the window too narrow.
- Untested: Safari, Google Chrome, and Opera. If anyone has successfully used these browsers, please leave a comment at the bottom of the home page. Thanks.